[AD] Planning a Road Trip to the USA – How to apply for your American ESTA and some exciting road trip ideas for your American Vacation.

How to Apply for your ESTA Visa

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It may not seem like it now, with restricted travel, but there will be a time in the not too distant future when you’ll be planning an overseas holiday. I’ve just applied for an ESTA so I can visit the USA, and I found the complete ESTA application procedure extremely easy.
I’m sharing some ideas for an exciting American Road Trip with you today, which is something I did many years ago when I lived in the States. I made a road trip from Pennsylvania where I was living at the time, right down to Florida, in an old beat-up Ford Mustang!
The trip took me four days, and saw me travelling through Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Nights were spent in motels and small hotels, and as I drove down the East coast down towards the Southern states, the landscape, accents and food changed every fifty miles or so.

A road trip is such an exciting and exhilarating way to seeing large parts of the States. You can see so much more, and also you can stop whenever you feel like it. Plus, it’s a hugely exciting and fascinating snapshot into every day life in the States.
My destination was Florida, where a good friend had invited me to stay for the summer. I am now planning to do the same trip again, starting from New York, where I will fly into from London. I’ve already applied for my ESTA visa, which lasts for 2 years, and is valid for multiple trips.

Whilst I’m working from home at the moment, I am planning my trip and it’s an exciting prospect to be retracing my steps from all those years ago! One of the things I am most looking forward to, as a foodie, is eating breakfast and dinner in the Diners along the way, with this “everlasting” coffee refills and juicy burgers.
I’m planning to stay for three weeks, with the drive down and back taking four to five days, each way. And, I will be staying overnight in simple motels and roadside hotels. Meals will be mainly taken in independent diners, as I mentioned above, where I can indulge in my favourite American meal, “Biscuits and Gravy”.

Now is a great time to plan for a future Road Trip to the USA, as well as applying for an ESTA. I applied for my ESTA here: Apply for an American ESTA. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my future travel plans, and please do let me know if you need any more travel tips to the USA, as well as for more information about health and travel requirements. Karen

PIN ME for Later Planning and ESTA Applications

Sarah T. says
Hi Karen!
Hope all is well with you, it’s a lovely sunny day here in Pennsylvania (PA). As someone who has traveled up and down the U.S. East Coast multiple times, if you would like to get off the beaten path a little, I recommend going a little bit to the west. If you can/are inclined to, go towards Harrisburg and take I-81 South, it will take you through the Cumberland Valley in Pennsylvania, and the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Then take I-77 South, which will take you through Charlotte, North Carolina. You can head back to I-95 in South Carolina, if you would like, by taking I-20 East just north of Columbia, or I-26 East just south of Columbia. Just a bit further south, I-95 will take you right past my one-time home in Savannah, Georgia. I’m a PA native, who joined the military and moved around a bit, before settling back in PA after my tour was complete. It will be nice to travel a bit, once we’re able to again. Wishing you the best, Sarah.
Karen Burns-Booth says
Hi Sarah,
THANK YOU so much for all of this wonderful information, and your new and exciting new route from PA to FLA.
I hope you are staying safe there.
Sarah says
Hi Karen! We are well and staying safe. I greatly enjoy reading your travel logs, and vicariously traveling all over. It’s been awhile since we took a trip outside of our area, even before this interesting time period we are experiencing, we didn’t travel much. Hopefully, we’ll get to take a trip, soon-ish, and begin showing our daughter more of the world.
Karen Burns-Booth says
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. It’s a very strange time isn’t it? But I’m hoping to be on the road again in 2021! 🙂 Karen
Ellen Kanner says
Hi, Karen, as much as your fans look forward to your visit, now’s not the time to visit South Florida. But when it’s safe to do again, I’d love to make you biscuits and gravy. Till then, stay safe and well.
Karen Burns-Booth says
Hi Ellen
I quite agree, but this was written just before the lockdown in March 2020, so I assume people will go with the law and the current science at the time.
Let’s hope South Florida is open for visitors very soon.
nicola beal says
HI! I have just read your blog about US road trip and I really enjoyed it. It has reminded me of some of my past adventures.. I have had many great times in the states . New England in the fall is one of my favourites . I haven’t yet done as much of the lower east coast below Washingotn DC.You have inspired me to get planning my next road trip.many thanks. nicola
Karen Burns-Booth says
Awww thanks so much for your kind comments Nicola, I cannot wait to get travelling again. Karen